New Book on Strauser
Recently released book about Sterling and his circle of artists. Written by Mike Feinsilber based on interviews with Sterling back in the 1970’s. It is full of quotes by Sterling, which I can attest are quite accurate having heard most of the same during my 30 plus years acquaintance with the Strauser’s. Also it briefly tells of the relationships which the Strauser’s had with Victor Joseph Gatto, Justin McCarthy, and Jack Savitsky. Copies are available thru the Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC. Phone 202-364-1919
The new exhibition at the American Vision Art Museum, in Baltimore, Maryland: “Abundance: Too Much, Too Little, Just Right.” is a DO NOT MISS!!
Among many wonderful works are featured paintings from their permanent collection by our Paul Lancaster and sculpture by Charlie Lucas. Several other works by Brooks Yeoman and Mr.Imagination were previously in our gallery as well. See
We want to mention two organizations that promote folk and outsider art which may interest you and which you may wish to join to participate in their events and receive their periodicals. First: Folk Art Society of America See their website at
Secondly for those in NorthCarolina and surrounding states: North Carolina Folk Art Society See their website at
Reminder: We still have some copies the out-off-print book on the life and art of Paul Lancaster: “Paul Lancaster :Immersed in Nature”. More details are on his Info page of our website. Just contact us to buy a copy.
Sterling Strauser Gallery at ESU
There has been growing interest in the Sterling Strauser Collection and Gallery which we were instrumental in founding at East Stroudburg State University. The objective was to honor this significant American Modernist artist along with his wife Dorothy, a gifted artist in her own right for their considerable contributions, especially to the field of folk and outsider art. ESU’s Kemp Library has placed information on-line including several interviews which discuss various aspects of the effort and which also speak to Strauser’s art and life.